
David Shennan

23 Mar 2016 — 23 Apr 2016

The moon is symbolically associated with the feminine principle; mother / matrix / ocean / family / nature / child / earth / community / relationship / life itself.

The concept of sunrising and sunsetting is constant. However, the underscore of this literal notion is the symbolic counterbalance and the moon, as it appears, fits perfectly as an agent to telling stories and delivering meaning to life as it is experienced.

I find it ironic that Life and all of its great qualities are constantly subject to Impermanence, and the Moon, symbolically, often carries this message.

As a painter, I am always in search of an ‘allusive’ image. Appearing one way on the surface and then in time, shifting completely into something else.

David Shennan, 2016.


Central Otago

Indigo I & II

Blue Velvet



White Love Flower